Tahir Qazi - Caliphate as a Political System

Presentation (with video) and Article by Dr. Tahir Qazi

Dr. Tahir Qazi is a writer and contributor to countercurrents.org, Patheos, Foreign Policy in Focus, South Asian Journal of Diplomacy, and has been a guest on political TV programmes.

Dr. Qazi talked about identity politics, evolution of the concept of state, and the search for identity in Muslim-majority countries – from a secular perspective.

[Download (PPTX, 143KB)](https://files.qern.org/wp/2014/08/Caliphate-Historic-Myth-or-Future-Reality.pptx)

[Download (PDF, 302KB)](https://files.qern.org/wp/2014/08/Caliphate-Historic-Myth-or-Future-Reality.pdf)