Canadian Qadianis Steal Dying Children's Wish Idea for Propaganda
We are sad to report that the Qadiani Ahmadiyya community in Canada has hit a new low in their never-ending quest for cheap propaganda. On June 25th, the Canadian chapter of the Children’s Wish Foundation arranged an event in the northern suburbs of Toronto to raise funds while attempting to break the world record for a human-powered smiley face that would break the world record. It was reported in the local media, and it was all for a good cause. In a separate event, on 30th June, the Mahwah Police kids’ academy had the same idea, again for a charitable cause, and they did break the record.
Enter our hard-working Ahmadiyya PR people. Instead of helping the Children’s Wish foundation achieve their goal in the same part of Toronto where their headquarters and most of their members are located, they have stolen the idea for propaganda.
No fundraising, no community charity event, but a global propaganda attempt for their ‘cult’. The Ahmadiyya contribution to charitable causes does benefit some people, but the overall stink of propaganda makes these activities appear to be minor investments for media coverage. Sadly, this can also be said of their ‘Humanity First’ charitable activities.
We wish them luck in this endeavour and it is good that the word ‘Muslim’ is not mentioned in the ad, for no religion needs such shenanigans. It is only a cult looking for media coverage that does subscribe to such ostentation. Here is the invite: