Humiliation for Turkey - possible end of the Attaturk chapter

Re:’Vatican Tries to Exclude Turkey for EU’s Christian Identity’
Although Turkey has many things going for it, its obsession with becoming European and the inferiority that feeds it is now apparent to everyone.
In an interview with a French journal, Le Figaro, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, claimed that since the majority of Turkey’s population was Muslim, Turkey would contradict Europe, and its accession to the EU would be a mistake.

While defending his belief that the EU should continue to discuss its Christian heritage, the Cardinal reminded readers that Turkey has historically, always represented a different continent; that the Ottomans were at the gates of Vienna and waged war in the Balkans.

German-born Ratzinger’s interview in Le Figaro said that Turkey should seek its future among Islamic organizations, not in the Christian rooted EU. Ratzinger emphasized that it would be a mistake to equate the two continents [Europe and Asia] because it would sacrifice their richness and culture for the sake of economic benefits.